ACLCA hosts activities and events that spotlight innovative approaches to accelerating the implementation, and building capacity and knowledge in environmental LCA.

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Upcoming Activities and Events


ACLCA Webinar: ISO Circular Economy Standards
June 27, 2024 at 11 AM (ET)

ISO is releasing the first three standards covering the circular economy in May. The three standards cover everything from vocabulary, principles and guidance for implementation to measuring and assessing circularity performance. This webinar will outline how these standards work together and how the field of LCA is incorporated in the assessment. Come hear from Michele Wallace, who has led the U.S. Technical Advisory Group for the past two years during the development of these standards.

ACLCA Technical Committee Updates
June 28, 2024 at 10 AM (ET)

Join the ACLCA Technical Committee's status update webinar of the following Working Groups:
X LCA & Circularity (Ashley Kreuder, Ramboll)
X Indirect Emissions & LCA (Ashley Kreuder, Ramboll)
X New Technologies in LCA (Ray Smith, EPA)
X LCA of Emerging Technologies (Mik Carbajales-Dale, Clemson University)
X Quality Credits in LCA (Sangwon Suh, Watershed / Lise Laurin, EarthShift)
Come and learn about the scope, past activities, and objectives of these WGs and ways to get involved!

ACLCA 2024 Conference
September 24 - 26, 2024 (Pre-Conference September 23)
Snowbird, UT
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Join us for an exciting four-day journey at the forefront of sustainability innovation! Our conference is designed to inspire, with a dynamic agenda that spans programming, networking, and unique meet-up opportunities.

LCA Institute
September 24 - 26, 2024 (Pre-Conference September 23)
Snowbird, UT
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The LCA Institute track offers sessions specifically designed for professionals looking to expand their Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) skills. Led by industry experts who use LCA to drive sustainability efforts for organizations and clients, these sessions provide perfect content for professionals at every level.

Consultant Coffee Chat
Third Thursday every Month at 11 am (ET)

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Mornings for some, open to all ACLCA consultant members join us at the ACLCA Consultant Coffee Chat! Coffee Chats are run “Open Space” style, meaning whoever comes are the right people and whatever we discuss are the right things. Register to enjoy in-depth conversations and gather new insights and practical tools while networking to grow your expertise and connections.