Certified Lifecycle Executive (CLE)

The Certified Life Cycle Executive (CLE) is designed to recognize professionals working in project, program or business management roles reflecting their competency in the fundamentals of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and capability to interpret and communicate LCA results. The CLE certification was developed in conformity with the ISO 17024 standard and is especially useful for individuals such as architects and product specifiers, purchasing agents, environmental managers, sustainability managers, educators and individuals who contract and use LCA studies.

Here’s how to begin the process:

  1. Review pre-requisites for CLE Exam
  2. Submit application with proof of prerequisites met and pay the exam fee.


Prerequisites for the CLE are:

  1. Masters or post-graduate degree and two or more years working extensively on environmental sustainability or related initiatives OR  an undergraduate degree and four or more years working extensively on environmental sustainability or related initiatives.
  2. ACLCA membership (individual or organizational membership)

ALL SUBMITTED MATERIALS ARE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. Submission of all materials verifying the prerequisites must be completed no later than one month before the planned exam date and may be emailed to [email protected]

The Exam

The CLE exam is a closed-book 1- hour multiple choice exam in English. There are 100 questions. The examination covers General LCA knowledge, Project management, Data quality management, Statistics, Ethics, and Emerging issues.

Exam Locations

Please contact [email protected] or call 202.660.0337 with any questions.